Today is the holiday celebrating the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Many holidays are seen as a "day off" -- instead, King Day is a day of service, a "day on," to think about working toward Dr. King's goals of equality and justice for all Americans. Here is a suggested group of books for children interested in reading about King's life and work.
The list comes from the MLKday.gov website, where there is much more to explore -- reading for all ages, websites, and other information. (Resources from the National School & Community Corps and the Free Library of Philadelphia).

A Picture Book of Martin Luther King, Jr., by David A. Adler. (Holiday House, New York)
Dear Dr. King: Letters from Today's Children to Martin Luther King, Jr., by Jan Colbert (Editor), et al. (Hyperion Books for Children)
Meet Martin Luther King, Jr., by James DeKay. (Random House)
The Life and Death of Martin Luther King, Jr. by James Haskins. (Beech Tree Books)
Martin Luther King, Jr. (Black Americans of Achievement series), by Robert E. Jakoubek, edited by Nathan I. Huggins. (Chelsea House)
Martin Luther King, Jr.: Civil Rights Leader, by Kathy K. Lambert. (Chelsea Juniors)
If You Lived at the Time of Martin Luther King, by Ellen Levine, Illustrated by Anna Rich (Scholastic)
King: A Biography, by David L. Lewis. (University of Illinois Press)

Happy Birthday Martin Luther King, Jr., by Jean Marzollo. (Scholastic, Inc.).
My Dream of Martin Luther King, Jr., Illustrated by Faith Ringgold. (Crown).
I Have A Dream, by Martin Luther King, Jr. and Coretta Scott King. (Scholastic).

The Martin Luther King, Jr. Companion, selected by Coretta Scott King. (St. Martin's Press).
I Have A Dream: Writings and Speeches that Changed the World, edited by James Melvin Washington. (Harper).
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